
Tukumo fall
On the way to Momiji dani, there is Tukumo fall.
Today we could see it.
We can see Tukumo fall only in May and June, when flooding.

It is called “Phantom fall”
When it is raining, please go and see it!


Ryusei fall and Ginga fall

It’s also sunny today.
The temperature goes over 20C° for the first time in this year.
It is good day to go out in Sounkyo.
The sunshine makes Ryusei and Ginga falls beautiful.

Sounkyo Gorge today

This picture was taken at 9:30 in Sounkyo.
Since last evening snow has been falling.
Everything is covered with snow.
It snows and stops.
When you visit Sounkyo, drive safely please.

Momijidani Valley

Last week there was a lot of snow in the trekking course.
But it has been warm in a few days/
Now snow near the trail course has gone.

When you walk this course, snow has left is somewhere.
It’s dangerous to walk on the hard snow.

If you want to walk this course, you had better wait for a while.

Be careful fallen trees, rolling stones and bears.

It is peak viewing season.

Now skunk cabbage (Lysichiton camtschatcensis Schott) is so beautiful.
“Kiyokawa skunk cabbage garden” along the route39
You can walk on wooden road and have a closer look on them.