Publication of a Visitor Center Report

We published “Center news May vol.91”
This month cover is “Nest making Aegithalos caudatus”
We publish many photos of “Aegithalos caudatus” that are getting popular.

And we publish “Haliaeetus pelagicus” with great strength, “Lepus timidus ainu” in mourning period, and more articles.

We got good reviews of “Aegithalos caudatus , so we published many photos.
You will enjoy variety of “Aegithalos caudatus.
Please check our “Center News”
(You can also check this year’s center meetings )

Sounkyo Gorge today

Since early morning here Sounkyo it is very beautiful blue sky.
Now 8:30 in the morning the temperature is 17°c( this is highest temperature in this season)
We are greeting a crisp, refreshing morning today.
In the early morning “Cyanoptila cyanomelana”,” Tarsiger cyanurus” are singing.
And foxes “Vulpes vulpes schrencki “are walking to find food for their kids.
Cherry blossom in front of Visitor center is blooming, it’s so beautiful.
And Sounkyo gorge is getting fresh green.
Please visit Sounkyo.
  • Sounkyo Gorge

Momijidani Valley

Momijidani valley walking course
In these days it has been beautiful and clear days.
Remaining snow is only one spot on this course.
Some place you might find “falling stone”, but this course is safe, anyone can walk.y

On the way to Momiji fall, you fill find spring flowers and wild birds singing.
How about going to fresh green Momijidani valley?

Cyanoptila cyanomelana

In Sounkyo it is chilly little bit.
But warm spring sunshine is really good.

Today we held “birds watching meeting”
Around this Visitor center we found a pair of “Luscinia cyane” and “Ficedula narcissina”.
“Cyanoptila cyanomelana” is coming here.

We plan next Visitor Center lecture is June 9th (Sun).

Sounkyo Gorge today

Since early morning it has been chilly in Sounkyo.
Intermittently it snows today.
In this morning it was -1°c, now is 9°c.

Next week the temperature will be rising, the weather forecast says.
The top of gorge is covered with snow.
As time goes by, we get more snow.
When you drive Mikuni pass, Sekihoku pass, Kitami pass, be careful to drive.
The road may be frozen.
  • It is currently snowing.