Sounkyo Gorge today

From last night to this morning it snowed around Sounkyo area.
As shown in the picture, top of gorge is covered with snow.

Snow remains on the road.
As the temperature rises, snow will melt.
But when driving in the early morning and in the evening, be careful to drive.

Weather forecast says that in a few days (including today) it is getting warm.
But this weekend it will be cold and snowy.

In Kamikawa town we found “Adonis ramosa” booming April 9th.
That is 10days later than last year.

At Mt.Kurodake day time warm weather melts snow.
When climbing mountains, be careful of avalanche.
Mountains area is still winter.
  • Sounkyo Gorge : Snow has fallen.

  • Adonis ramosa

Mt. Kurodake snow report

Last posting we told “ This year we have less snow than usual year.”
But we got much snow in these days.
And 7th station of Mt.Kurodake there is 470cm snow!
That is 20ch snow more than someday in last year.

Last year snow fell until end of April. So we guess it will snow more and snow will remain much.

But this much snow makes ski resort happy.
At Mt.Kurodake ski resort snow condition is so good.
You can enjoy spring skiing.
How about going skiing for the last time in this season
The second photo is “Tetrastes bonasia”
They are finding good partners.
At the foot of mountains “Adonis ramosa” starts blooming.
In nature animals and plants are heading to spring.
  • Take proper precautions, like carrying a noise maker.

  • Tetrastes bonasia

Bad weather

From early morning it was snow storm and snowed very much.
Since started to snow we got nearly 30cm snow deep.
Every year getting warm, getting cold and at last spring comes.
But we are surprised at heavy snow in April.

Snow is melting and we found some spring signs in field.
This heavy snow is really hard for flowers and wild animals.
  • Sciurus vulgaris orientis

Also thank you very much this year.

Thank you for watching our homepage.
We have started new business year today.

We try to help many people can enjoy and climb safety.
We want many people to be interested in nature.

Last year we got almost one million access.
But we couldn’t reach one million!
Thank you so much for watching.
We try to post good and useful news. Don’t miss it.

Here in Sounkyo it is chilly in the morning and at night but it warms up during the day.
Day by day we have more chance to see “Grey-headed woodpecker” and “white-backed woodpecker”.

How about going out and finding wild birds during the warm day?
  • Picus canus

  • Dendrocopos leucotos

Publication of a Visitor Center Report

“Center news march vol.90” was published.
This cover is “Sciurus vulgaris orientis”
He is kinking maple sap.
Many wild birds came and linked.
They have benefit from nature.
Another topics are “Pteromys volans orii” trace, injured fox, and cute “Aegithalos caudatus Japonicus”

And “How much is this year’s snow amount?”
We compare this year’s snow and last year’s snow.
This year’s snow is less than usual year.
At Mt.Kurodake 7th station snow is 320cm. (last year 485cm)
165cm less than last year!!!

Please check “Center news” from our web site.
Thank you for reading our blog and information.