Direction of Ohachidaira

On the way to Ohachi daira we met a pair of “Pinicola enucleator” around Kumono taira.
Today we watched their courtship feeding.
And more we found very rare wild birds,” Leucosticte arctoa” and “Anthus hodgsoni”.

Mt. Kurodake’s northeastern face

Snow is melting.
From 7th station of Mt.Kurodake to 8th station big snow gorge divide into eight snow gorge.
The length is getting shorter, it is better to walk.
The temperature stays low, so snow is very hard and slippery. Be careful to walk down.

The trail condition changes to be like a stream or muddy.
When you walk on snow, sometimes you might step through under the snow.
But after 3 snow gorge in 8th station there is no snow on the trail.

From 9th station many kinds of flowers start blooming.
Depends on weather in a few days “Trollius riederianus var. riederianus” and “Weigela middendorffiana” will bloom in community.

*About Akaishi river the place that we cross the river appears.
But depends on the situation it will be difficult to cross river.
Please check weather forecast.

Mikasa Shindo

Mikasa snindou closed July 4th.
Because we found many bears walking around this course.
We hope you understand.

Mt. Midori snow report

Mikasa shindou
“Mikasa shindou” is one of the most difficult route in daisetuzan, this route grade is 5.
And also many brown bear walk and cross this route, so from beginning of July we always close this route to avoid an accident.
In Kougen onsen numa meguri course and Mt.Midori couse we have already found bears.
Please check .
We don’t when this course close.
We hope you understand the rule.
Since big tyhpoon came in 2016 a part of Numameguri course has been closed.
Hikers can’t walk around.
Please watch picture 1.
It is difficult to say that this slope is very steep like a ski jumping platform.
Be careful not to fall down.
Hikers needs a winter outfit ( crampons and pickel and shoes suit for snow)

Around junction of Takanegahara “Lagotis glauca Gaertn” is so beautiful.
“Pedicularis oederi var. heteroglossa” and “Anemone narcissiflora” (picture 2)

At Mt,Midoridake ridge “Diapensia lapponica L. var. obovata F.Schmidt” is now over its peak.
At Koizumi taira “Dryas octopetala var. asiatica” starts blooming.
From Daiichi kaen to eiko no gareba some part of trail are no snow.
Most of trail are under the snow.
When in foggy, please find the trail sign on the snow.

Mikasa shindou~Takanegahara~Mt.Midori course
This course is the best course to see early blooming wild flowers.
But bring full outfit and take your time to walk, please.

At Hakuun hut camping site many foxes steel hikers food.
Please keep your food by yourself, don’t leave food in tent.

Snowy gorges on the Mt. Aka course

About snow gorge in Mt.Akadake
Now the trail near daiichi kaen sign is no snow, but there are 73m snow gorge.
Melting snow water is pouring to the trail.
So it is hard to walk.
At Diichi kaen there are about70m, 104m and 64m snow gorge.
This slope is very steep. Be careful not to fall down.

At Daini Kaen and at Okunodaira all the trail is under the snow.
There are sign pole.
When in foggy, it is dangerous to miss the trail.
Be careful, please.
At Komakusa taira “”is blooming.
We found many buds.
Hikers will see them for a long time.
At Daisan sekkei some place is no snow on the trail.
There are about 33m, 30m and 31m snow gorge.
Snow is melting.
When you walk on the snow, be careful not to walk through under the snow.
At Daiyon sekkei there is about 168m snow.
There is no sign pole.
When you walk in foggy, be careful.
Snow melting water is pouring to the trail, it’s hard to walk.