Mt. Kurodake’s northeastern face

About Mt.Kurodake’ snow only four parts left.
Near the 7th sign pole there is 2m snow, near the 8th sign pole there are 2m, 8m, 5m.

When hikers walk down, watch your step, please.
Because snow is hard and slippery.
Sometimes hikers slip down.
Around 9th station of Mt.Kurodake many kinds of flowers bloom day by day.
As shown in picture “Weigela middendorffiana” make a community.

Around Kumonodaira
“Rhododendron aureum Georgi” , “Geum pentapetalum”,” Phyllodoce caerulea”, “Potentilla matsumurae Th. Wolf”and “Primula cuneifolia Ledeb. var. hakusanensis Makino” make community.
In the morning and evening the temperature stays low.
July 8th in the early morning it frosted.
This frost influenced flowers a little.
There are many buds.
We hope the weather will get better.
*Akaishi river ~the flow is calm, and amount of water is low. Depends on weather it may change.
*the junction of Mt.Hokuchin ~ this course has snow. When walking down, watch your step.

Hikers need a full outfit to climb mountains even in summer.

Snowy gorges on the Mt. Aka course

Mt.Akadake snow report
Some part of trail in the woods appeared.
But there are about 22m and 24m snow gorge.
After passing the sign of Daiichi kaen, there are about 52m, 88m and 51m snow.
This snow is very hard and slippery and located in steep slope.
Be careful to walk.

The trail in Daini kaen is all covered with snow.
But some snow is melting, when hikers step, they may step through under the snow.
Watch your step.
At Okunodaira there are about 15m and 71m snow.
There are many trace on the snow, but walk on the trail, please.

*at Komakusadaira “Dicentra peregrina”is so beautiful. We can see them for a while.

There is about 8m snow lower part of Daisan sekkei.
Most of trail in Daisan sekkei has no snow.

There is about 133m snow in the Daiyon sekkei.
There are many trace on this snow.
But there is not trail, please walk along sign rope.
On the way to the summit the trail is muddy and wet.
It is very difficult to walk.
After passing snow the trail is gravel.
Watch your step.
  • Climbers should be sure to bring all of the gear needed to climb safely.

Mt. Midori course flowering report

Mt.Midori, Koizumidaira flower report
The ridge line from Mt.Midori to Koizumidaira many flowers stat blooming.
“Diapensia lapponica L. var. obovata F.Schmidt” and “Lagotis glauca Gaertn” are almost finished.
“Oxytropis japonica var. japonica” and “Pedicularis oederi var. heteroglossa”that lived in wind-blown ground start blooming.
Depends on place “” starts blooming gradually.
We feel less flowers in this time.
Hikers who take pictures walk this area.
Do not walk out of trail.
Do not step in the community of precious flowers.
Please obey the rule and have a fun to take pictures and to see flowers.

Snow report
Daiichi Hanabatake : the trail has little bit snow on the edge. Most of trail has no snow.
Daini Hanabatake : a part of the trail appeared.
Upper part of Daini Hanabatake :middle of the trail appeared.(only 80m)
Eiko no sawa Gareba: all snow

Momijidani Valley

Momijidani valley
June’s flower almost finished.
Next flower starts blooming.
Now we are looking forward to new flower blooming.
But the temperature stays low.
Many flowers can hardly bloom.
“Cardiocrinum cordatum var. glehnii” will bloom soon.

The much snow melts, the much amount of Momijidani waterfall’s water increases.
Now you can see dynamic waterfall!

Only about 30 minutes walking, why don’t you go there?
  • Using trekking poles will make the going easier.

Lepus timidus ainu

On the way to Ohachi daira we met “Lepus timidus ainu” around Kumono taira.
The past few years we often find them.
Compering with winter season, they are not cautious.
We can see them here and there.
“Tamias” that is bringing up their children appear.
They are busy to find food and feed.
In middle of July around Kumonodaira we will see big communities of “Rhododendron aureum” and “Geum pentapetalum”

*today we found a few “Rhododendron aureum”.
If hikers want see big community, please wait for a while.