Mt. Midori course flowering report

Flower report

Snow on the trail to Mt.Midoridake is melting
At Daiichi hanabatake and Daini hanabatake flowers start blooming.
At the ridgeline “” and “” are blooming beautifully.
There are only 3 snow spots at the top of Daini hanabatake.

Snowy gorges on the Mt. Aka course

On the trail to Mt.Akadake there are 3 spots remaining snow.
The first one is 5m snow near the entrance of Daiichi kaen.
The second one is 88m at Daini kaen.
The third one is 8m, 20m Daiyon sekkei.

These snow is very slippery and make “snow bridge”.
So hikers sometimes step through under the snow.
The trail condition is really bad because of melting snow water.

After snow melts, flowers start to bloom here and there.
At Komakusadaira “Dicentra peregrina” is blooming beautifully. The number of them is decreasing.
Around the summit there is no snow.
But when wind is strong, we feel very cold.
Please bring something warm to wear.

Publication of a Visitor Center Report

We have published “Center News vol.92 July”
This month cover is “Ochotona hyperborea yesoensis is baiting.”
And other topics are “courtship and baiting of Pinicola enucleator” and feature of “Cardiocrinum cordatum var. glehnii” and conflicting little fox.

You can watch from the top page on our homepage.
Please watch them!


The road to Ukisima wetland is closed.
Because of heavy rain, the road is broken.
Now we are under consutraction.
July 25th it will open again.
If you know detail, please ask Kamikawa town office.

Mt. Midori course flowering report

To get to Mt Hakuundake , we try to climb from Mt.Akadake and Mt.Midoridake.
Both route is very hard to get to Mt,Hakuundake.
Only this time in the year we can see beautiful view from the top.
Remaining snow and green makes beautiful stripes pattern.

Right under the summit remaining snow is melting, hikers can walk on the trail without stepping on snow.
Around Koizumidaira “Dryas octopetala” and “Lagotis glauca” almost finished, we often see “Therorhodion camtschaticum”.
“Campanula chamissonis Fed” and “Gentiana jamesii” start to bloom, it’s like midsummer.

Every trail to Daisetuzan is hard.
When climbing up, please check your health and make sure you give yourself ample time to climb.