Mt. Aka course flowering report

Mt.Akadake and Mt.Koizumdake report
The trail to Mt.Akdake
Snow is melting, only Dainikaken has snow remained.

Wild flowers finished blooming,
But at the place where the thaw is slow “Geum pentapetalum” and “Phyllodoce caerulea” start blooming.
At the ridge we see many blue color flowers (these blue flowers are autumn flowers.)
We feel sad a little.
We are waiting for “Gentiana algida f. igarashii.”.

The flowers of Mt. Kurodake

Mt,Kurodake report
We told you snow on the trail has gone.
It has been sunny for two weeks, trail is very dry, no muddy trail.
About flowers
“Weigela middendorffiana” around 8th station of Mt.Kurodake almost finish blooming.
(But some “Weigela middendorffiana” still bloom around 7th station.)
“Trollius riederianus”, “Filipendula camtschatica ”, “Solidago virgaurea subsp. leiocarpa var. leiocarpa f. japonalpestris” and “thistle” expand their communities.
Now you can see 40 kinds of flowers from Mt.Kurodake to Kumonodaira, and Akaishi river.

“Therorhodion camtschaticum” that blooms around the summit finishes blooming.
Now “Bryanthus gmelini” from the top to Kumonodaira full bloom.
(This year’s “Bryanthus gmelini” is really beautiful, but these are small flowers.)
“Pennellianthus frutescens”, “Pennellianthus frutescens” and “Dicentra peregrina” are very beautiful!
(“Dicentra peregrina” expand their community year by year.)

Around Kurodake Ishimuro at the place that where snow melt “Rhododendron aureum”, “Geum pentapetalum” and “Phyllodoce caerulea” start blooming.
Early blooming “Geum pentapetalum” finished blooming and become fluffy.

Around Kumonodaira
“Geum pentapetalum” finished blooming.
Now is fluffy field.

Around Akaishi river
“Geum pentapetalum”, “Rhododendron aureum , “Phyllodoce caerulea” ,“Primula cuneifolia var. cuneifolia ” and “:Potentilla matsumurae” start blooming and make a small community.

*Today was extremely hot. Take extra care heat stroke.
*There is less drinking water at Kurodake Ishimuro.
*Akaishi river less water and very calm
*snow at the junction of Mt.Hokuchindake snow is melting day by day.
The snow trail is getting shorter. But be careful to go down.
*At Mt.Kurodake north-east slope, at Ohachidaira observatory and at Akaishi river we found brown bear dropping and foot print. Bring a bear bell and a whistle.

Publication of a Visitor Center Report

“Center News vol.104” has published.

It has been hot days.
Take care of yourself.
Now temperature is 31°c in front of Visitor center.
It is very rare.

“Center News vol.104 in July” has published.
This cover is “child raccoon dog”
He says ”Miau Miau “, and chases his mom.
That is so cute. Please check it out!

And more “white head Haliaeetus albicilla”, “ baby fox”, “ baby deer” and “leaving the nest of Aegithalos caudatus”.
Please check it out!

The flowers of Mt. Kurodake

*All the snow on the trail of north-east slope has melted.

Passing the 8th station, “Trollius riederianus” is blooming here and there.
It expand its community.
From Mt.Kurodake to Kumonodaira you will see 40 kinds of flowers.

Around Mt.Ponkurodake “Campanula lasiocarpa”, Phyllodoce caerulea “”( as shown as a picture1)start blooming.
Around Mt.Kurodake “Filipendula camtschatica”, “Aconitum yamazakii” and “Hypericum kamtschaticum” start blooming.
Flowers and season is going to autumn.

Around Kumonodaira
“Geum pentapetalum” and “Phyllodoce caerulea” expand their communities.
They are so beautiful!
“Phyllodoce aleutica”, “ Primula cuneifolia var.cuneifolia.” and “Potentilla matsumurae Th. Wolf” are blooming here and there.
Both side of trial many flowers are blooming,. It’s like a flower street.
Some of “Geum pentapetalum” have fluffy.
If you want to see them, please visit now.

About Akaishi river
Akaishi river’s flow is calm, andmore small amount of water.

About Mt.Hokuchin junction
This slope is better than before, and the length of snow trail course is getting shorter.
When you go down this course, be careful to walk.

*When you stay at Ishimuro and walk long trail, you have to bring your water.
Because there is less water at Kurodake Ishimuro.

Announcing road openings

Sousenen Numanodaira trail report

Syousenen trail course opened July 4th.(Until September 30th)
This course is one way.
So you cannot go in Yashima junction.
Around Ninonuma (picture above) and Rokunonuma ” Eriophorum vaginatum”is blooming.

Around Yonnonuma there is a snow field (picture below).
You have to cross the steep slope, you have to bring trekking poles not to fall over.
At the bottom of forest area the trail is muddy.
You had better to wear trekking shoes and climbing gator.
There was a foot print of brown bear at the forest road and at Ninonuma.
You must bring a bear bell and a whistle/
Bring back your food packages that wrapped foods.