Start of the fall foliage season

Mt.Kurodake Autumn leaves report

The first photo is Maneki iwa at 9th station and “Sorbus matsumurana”
Comparing with last post (8/20), it’s clear that leaves are turning red.

The second photo is “Arctous alpina var. japonica” at Mt.Ponkurodake.
Comparing with last post (8/20), leaves get more colors and expand red color part.

We declare, “Autumn leaves season starts!”

Mt.Kurodake 7th station ~Kumonodaira
“Sorbus matsumurana” is getting more colors than last post (8/20).
Most of leaves are green.

About the slope of Mt.Kurodake
Summer flowers are still blooming.
Leaves of “Hypericum kamtschaticum Ledeb”, “Thalictrum aquilegiifolium var. intermedium Nakai” and “Spiraea betulifolia” start to turning red.

About the summit of Mt,Kurodake~Mt.Ponkurodake
Some Geum pentapetalum are so beautiful red to see.

About Kumonodaira
Most of “Geum pentapetalum” has fluff.
But some of them have very red leaves.

Comparing last year’s post, about “Geum pentapetalum” coloring is later than last year.

But it might change depends on climate.
Weather forecast says it will be 8~9°c at high mountains on August 29th.
So We guess leaves are turning slowly.


Temporary closed because of declaration of a state of emergency

Temporary closed
August 27th ~September 12th
We close Visitor center.
We are sorry about people who will go to Sounkyo Visitor Center.
Thank you for your understanding.
After state of emergency lifted we open again.
(It may change according to circumstance)

Thank you for your cooperation.
*We update information and home page as usual.
Please check them.

Fall foliage report for Mt. Kurodake

Mt.Kurodake  Autumn leaves report

Now is late in August.
But it is hot when sun shines.
In a few days it will be hot days.
When you go to the mountains, bring something warm to wear in the early morning and at night, and prepare not to get heat stroke in the afternoon.

About autumn leaves
Leaves is coloring a little comparing with last post (8/12)
Most of leaves are green.

North east slope of Mt, Kurodake ~Kumonodaira
“Sorbus matsumurana” stated to turn red as shown as a photo.
(The photo is taken at 9th station of Mt.Kurodake)

The summit of Mt.Kurodake ~Mt.Pon kurodake
Some of “Arctous alpina var. japonica” is getting really red.
Now green leaves start to turn red.
Plants like “Hypericum kamtschaticum var. hondoense”, “Spiraea betulifolia”, Pennellianthus frutescens “” and “Therorhodion camtschaticum” are turning red.
We feel autumn has come.

Comparing with last year’s photos, autumn leaves is same as usual years.
But it might be changed by upcoming weather.
Please check our homepage.

Near the Mt. Hakuun hut

Mt.Matsuuradake (Midoridake) and Hakuun Hut trail report

Flower season almost finished.
“Gentiana algida f. igarashii. ” on at the ridge is going to the end.
And wind is getting chill in middle of August.
When you go, prepare something warm to wear.

Fall foliage report for Mt. Kurodake

Mt.Kurodake report
“Solidago virgaurea subsp. leiocarpa”, “Anaphalis margaritacea”, “Cirsium”, and “Aconitum yamazakii” still bloom at the north east slope.
But soon wild flowers are going to end, we are waiting for autumn leaves.
Around Ishimuro and Kumonodaira
“Geum pentapetalum” and “Phyllodoce caerulea” finished blooming.(But “Dicentra peregrina” at Mt.Ponkurodake is still beautiful to see)

In a few days the temperature is going down.
It is 2°c~5°c in the early morning around Kurodake ishimuro.
We are worry about autumn color Because the temperature has dropped sharply after terrible hot.
Today some leaves are turning red, but most of leaves are green.
We guess,
“The temperature is going down, but the temperature in the afternoon is not going up. Autumn color needs temperature difference. So leaves don’t turn very much.”

Weather forecast says that it will stay 8°~9°.
We guess leaves turn to autumn color slowly.

*When you walking, you feel hot.
But when you get to the summit and rest, you feel very cold.
Please prepare something warm to wear, and be careful not to get heat stroke.
*Akaishi river the flow is little strong and the amount of water is little much.
But you can cross the river stepping on the rocks.
*Snow gorge just below the Mt,Hokuchin junction
You have to walk on the snow. In a few days snow will all melt.
*Drinking water at Kurodake Ishimuro have been decreasing. Please have own water.
* Autum season veicle regurations about Ginsendai line and Kougen onsen line
Ginsendai line Sep 18th ~Sep 26th
Kougen onsen line Sep23rd ~Oct 3rd