Mt. Kurodake snow report

Watch out, Montaineers!

When you hike up to”Mt .Kurodake”,and the temperature is low,
and surface of snow is hard, you need crampons and ice axe!
Now from top of “Mt.kurodake” to “Isimuro”,we can walk the mountain trail .
But around “kumonodaira” still has much snow.
When you walk in in the fog,
, don’t became lost!
  • Take proper precautions, like carrying a noise maker.

Lepus timidus ainu

Now is the breeding season for Lepus timidus ainu.
And now is the Molt stage, their fur’s color is changing.
The rabbits are friendly to each other .
The maternity of Lepus timidus ainu is held at flat place.
When mother rabbit feeds her babies ,she comes to them .
We are worried they are hit by other animals.
We hope they are growing safely.
Blooming, Fresh greening ,spring is really variety in the nature.
Animals feel spring has come.
  • Lepus timidus ainu : Breeding season has arrived.

Mt. Kurodake snow report

This picture is “daisetuzan renpou” taken from [daisetu mori no garden].
The snow is melting, we can see the surface of mountain.

Mt.kurodake still has 3m snow deep.
Yesterday’s report says that we can see only the roof of “Kurodake isimuro”.
Compared with 2016, this year has much snow.

Watching feature weather report, we are afraid this year’s trekking will be hard because
of snow.
  • The snow continues to melt.

Sounkyo Gorge today

  • Cerasus sargentii : Very gradually, the area is beginning to take on fresh green coloring.

Momijidani Valley

We went to the famous place and good view place “Momijidani
Snow is almost melting. There are only 3 snow spots.
But there is a large space beneath snow as more snow melt.
If you hike through snowy George in such area, you may fall and sustain serious injuries.
Please watch your steps.
Wearing sneakers is difficult to walk.
But snow is continuing to melt.
In a few days snow will soon disappear.
  • Take care to avoid punching through the snow’s surface.