Mt. Kurodake’s northeastern face

These day’s high temperature made snow melted quickly.
From before 9th station sign to the top there is no snow.
(only one place has 5m long snow, but it will be gone in a few days.)
From 7th station to 8th station there are long and wide snow gorge.
The temperature is increasing.
But morning and evening snow is getting hard.
There is still danger of falling and slipping .
If you are not used to walking on the snow, you need small crampons.
Anyway pay attention when you walk.

Passing by 8th station some alpine flowers start blooming.
Especially Weigela middendorffiana bloom in community

But suddenly the temperature rised.
At once alpine flower bloomed.
After this depending on weather flower is going to finish blooming.
But we can see many buds.
If you want to watch flowers, please come and see soon as possible.
  • Climbing to the peak in sneakers or other such shoes is risky.

  • Mt. Kurodake : Weigela middendorffiana : Some of the plants are blooming, but there are still many buds.

Momijidani Valley

Sounkyo’s famous walking spot “Momiji-dani”

This picture show the end of course “Momiji-taki “.
This water fall is very courageous because of snow’s melting water.
This course takes 30minutes from the Onsen-gai to the goal .
How about going to “Momiji-dani”.
  • No snow remains

Mt. Kurodake’s northeastern face

Day by day the snow is melting , intermittently the trekking route shows up.
Hikers need to pay attention not to fall down.
“If you are not used to climb on the ice, we recommend you to try after snow is gone.”

From now the weather forecast says that it will be hotter, so snow will melt quickly.
Yesterday the temperature stayed low, especially from seventh station to eighth station snow gorge is very hard.
Some hikers went back .
Prepare your gears and climb safely, please.
  • Take care to avoid slipping and falling.

Snowy gorges on the Mt. Aka course

The temperature is rising, but snow around Mt.Akadake is not so melting.
The first flower garden and second flower garden and Okunodaira and the third snow gorge are all snow.
The forth snow gorge is 75% covered with snow.
On the whole snow hardens into ice, the lower temperature is getting , the harder snow is getting.
If you are not used to walk on the snow, you may try after snow is gone.

Around Hakuun hut there is snow .Bottom of Itagaki -shindou(Yanbetabu river) is still snow field.
The camping area’ s snow almost is gone. But the water from melting snow flow into the area.
Please pay attention.
  • Climbers should be sure to bring all of the gear needed to climb safely.

Mt. Aka course flowering report

Blooming news
These days it has been hot , around the ridge alpine flowers started to
Dicentra peregrinathat blooms at Komakusadaira,
Dryas octopetala var. asiatica at Koizumi-taira are blooming.
From Mt. Aka-dake to Koizumi junction
Diapensia lapponica subsp. Obovata Oxytropis japonica var. sericea
Ranunculus acris subsp. Nipponicus are best season.

Lagotis yesoensis is increasing
  • The flowers have begun blooming.