Mt. Aka course flowering report

The flower information about Mt.Akadake・Koizumi taira・ Hakuun hut
Early blooming flower is finishing, blue color flowers start to bloom.
After snow is melting, the snow field plants like “Phyllodoce nipponica Makino” start to bloom.
  • The number of flowers is increasing.


The famous sightseeing spot in Sounkyo “Oobako” open!

“Obako”has been closed since 2016 big typhoon.
Today “Obako” open!
We want all tourists to go for a walk there.
It is worth visiting !!!
  • Sounkyo Gorge

Snowy gorges on the Mt. Aka course

Trail information about Mt.Akadake
Trail to Mt.Akadake , snow is melting , but there is snow here and there.
*Under the “Dai ichi kaen” about 70m snow
*Near the sign “Dai ichi kaen “ about 45m snow
*“Daini kaen” all snow
*“Daisan sekkei” about 80m snow
*“Dai yon sekkei” no snow
If you are not used to walk on the snow, you should bring crampons and stocks.
In “Okuno daira” all trail has no snow, please walk on the trail not to tramp wild flowers.
  • Climbers should be sure to bring all of the gear needed to climb safely.

Mt. Aka course flowering report

Flower report about
Mt.Akadake , Koizumi taira , Hakuun hut , Mt.Hokkaidake , Hokkaisawa
Blooming is late overall.
“Lagotis glauca Gaertn” and ” Dryas octopetala” almost finish to bloom.
We missed full bloom this year.
If you go to see flowers now, we recommend around Mt.hakuun hut. (it is not beginner)
You can see “Dicentra peregrina” in Komakusadaira,” Cassiope lycopodioides” in Hokkaitaira , “Primula cuneifolia var. cuneifolia  ” inHokkaizawa.
  • Dicentra peregrina : It is peak viewing season.

  • Mt. Hakuun : Caltha fistulosa : It is peak viewing season.

Mt. Kurodake’s northeastern face

Information about Mt.Kurodake
*there is 3m snow remained around 7th station of Mt.Kurodake.
Hikers do not need to worry about falling,slipping.
There is a big rock under the snow. If you are not used to walk on the snow, you should bring crampons.
*Around 9th station “Trollius riederianus var. riederianus” and “Weigela middendorffiana”spread out to bloom.
A few days ago it rained. So “Weigela middendorffiana ” is nearly dying.
We could watch many buds, we hope blooming.
From Mt.Kurodake~Kurodake Ishimuro we can see 30 kinds of flowers.
*At Kumono taira “Phyllodoce caerulea” makes a small community.
“Geum pentapetalum” blooms here and there, but some of them is nearly dying.
We found many bud , we hope the weather will get better.
*There is much snow under the Mt.Hokuchin junction. When you climbed down, be careful please.
*when you cross “Akaishi river” , there is no bridge. If the flow is much , you have to walk in the water. You need to prepare full equipment.

When you walk, you feel really hot. But when the wind is very strong like today(about m/s) , it is very cold on the summit. Please check the weather forecaodake bring something warm to wear.

The summit of Mt.Kurodake ~Kumonotaira Wild flower is not blooming very much.
It is affected by cold weather in June.
But weather forecast says that this week the temperature is rising.
We hope the weather gets better and many flowers are blooming.
  • Weigela middendorffiana : Some of the plants are blooming, but there are still many buds.

  • Phyllodoce caerulea : Small communities are forming.