Mt. Aka course flowering report

Flower information about Mt.Akadake, Koizumitaira
Hakuun hut, Mt.Hokkaidake and Hokkaizawa
At the ridgeline almost flowers finished blooming, we are waiting for “Gentiana algida”.
At the place that snow melt slowly hikers might see “Geum pentapetalum”,“Phyllodoce aleutica”,” Primula cuneifolia” ” Phyllodoce caerulea”.

Mt. Kurodake’s northeastern face

Mt.Kurodake information
*7th station ~the summit(the trail has no snow.)
From the start point we can see many flowers.
Around 8th station autumn flowers like “A. yamazakii Tamura et Namba”,” Campanula lasiocarpa”,“Solidago virgaurea subsp. leiocarpa” and “Cirsium” start to bloom.

*the summit of Mt.Kurodake ~Kumonotaira (there is no snow on the observation deck of Ohatidaira and the junction Of Mt.Hokuchindake.)
As last time we reported, alpine flowers don’t bloom very much because of bad weather.
(as usual at the summit we can see “Therorhodion camtschaticum”,” Pennellianthus frutescens”and “Bryanthus gmelinii”.this year we see only small community.)
At Kumonotaira “Geum pentapetalum” finished blooming and now we can see beautiful fluff.

*around Akaishigawa river
The flow is very fast, the river has a lot of water.
When hikers cross the river, be careful to cross.and prepare full equipment.
Around Akaishi river “Geum pentapetalum”,“Phyllodoce aleutica”,” Primula cuneifolia” ” Phyllodoce caerulea” bloom in the community.
In these days it has been hot.
During walking, hikers feel very hot.
Be careful not to get heatstroke.
When it is cloudy, rainy and windy, hikers feel very cold on the summit/
When climbing, please bring something warm to wear.
  • Lower temperatures in the early morning

Peak of Mt. Kurodake

Mt.Kurodake information (the snow melted away.)
*Northeast slope ~ 9th station of Mt.Kurodake
You can see “Weigela middendorffiana” , “Trollius riederianus” and so on.
On the way to Kurodake Ishimuro 40 kinds of flowers are blooming.
*around the summit of Mt.Kurodake as the photo shows , “Therorhodion camtschaticum” starts to bloom, but not full booming.
In autumn we want to see beautiful autumn leaves of “Therorhodion camtschaticum”, it’s like “red carpet”.
“Pennellianthus frutescens” and “Bryanthus gmelinii” are blooming.

*Kuomono taira
We told in last report , the summit of Mt.Kurodake ~Kumonotaira flower blooming is not good very much.
Around Kumonotaira after the snow melt away, “Geum pentapetalum” bloom in a small community. (on the way to Akaishi river “Geum pentapetalum” bloom ,too.)

*Akaishi river
When the river’s flow is much, hikers have to walk in the river.
Please prepare full equipment.
The mountain patrol put the rock to step easily.

*under the junction of Mt. Hokuchin
There is only 5m snow left.
When hikers pass, be careful not to fall and slip.

It has been really hot in these past several days.
Be careful of heatstroke.
  • Therorhodion camtschaticum : Although blooming can be seen everywhere, the flowers are not yet in full bloom.

  • Sieversia pentapetala : Small communities are forming.

Publication of a Visitor Center Report

“Center News” July no.86 has published.
This cover is “A rabbit taking a nap” and “Squirrel breeding”.
We show “Red fox waiting mom” , “A sea of clouds from observatory deck on 5th station og Mt.Kurodake, “Japanese rats snake vs. red fox” and “Nuthatch is a plaster”

Please check our homepage.

Snowy gorges on the Mt. Aka course

Trail information about Mt.Akadake・Mt.Midoridake・Mt.Hokkaidake 

Snow on the trail of Mt.Akadake is melting.
The falling and slipping risk is reducing.
The snow information is as follows.
Daiichi kaen about 50m snow remains
Near the Daiichi kaen sign about 35 m snow remains
Dani kaen all covered with snow
Daisan sekkei about 30 m snow remains.
Daiyon sekkei all trail has no snow.
The bottom of Itagaki shindou all covered with snow. (there is the rope sign)
Hananosawa about 100 me snow remains. (there is the rope sign)
Hokkaisawa all covered with snow.
Fording place in Hokkaisawa all covered with snow
Utukusigahara about 60 m snow remains.
Fording place in Akaishi river is not good condition. When you ford, be careful.
If you don’t want to soak your shoes, you take off your shoes.
  • Climbers should be sure to bring all of the gear needed to climb safely.