The snow continues to melt.

Sleet is falling in Sounkyo.
Every snow and ice fell from the roof.
Temperature is 10°c.
It will rain.
Weather forecast says “Tommorow will rain, after that it will snow”
We are afraid of heavy snow.
Look at the picture.
“Sap icicles” fell because of warmness.
But many wild birds came to lick sap on the snow.
Getting warm and cold, it is hard to control your condition.
Please take care of yourself.
Thank you for reading.

*Snow amount in 7th station of Mt,Kurodake has 350cm, it is more than last year’s.

Sounkyo Gorge today

Light snow is falling in Sounkyo now.
But weather is not so bad.
In the afternoon temperature is 0°c.
But it is still in the morning and at night.

Wild birds is getting very active.
Look at the picture.
They come to lick “sap icicles”
Sap is dropping to be Icicles because of coldness in the morning and at night.
This tree is Itaya maple, Maple syrup.
It is little bit sweet!

Thank you for reading, please take care of yourself/

Vulpes vulpes schrencki

In the early morning temperature is -12°c.
It is -0°c now, getting warm in Sounkyo.
In a few days it will be warm.
So snow is melting little by little.

Look at the photo.
That is “Red fox”(Vulpes vulpes schrencki)
He was coming to us to get food.
We tried to threaten him.
But he never ran away.
Because human feed wild animals.
If wild animals are fed by human, they will not find and catch their food.
And more they will get sick by eating food.
*More information
Check “Center news vol.60”

Bird watching

Today is clear and blue sky today, too.
Temperature is -8°c.
In the early morning it was -20°c.
Until beginning of March temperature will stay around -20°c.
After these cold days it will stay around -10°c.

In the afternoon temperature is rising, sometimes is over 0°c.
These warm climate make wild birds active.

Sap icicles is ready!
Watch the photo. please
“Aegithalos caudatus” comes to lick!
“Sap icicles” is made of sap of Itaya Maple and White birch.
As temperature is rising, sap is dropping to icicles.
Many kinds of wild birds come and lick it.

Sounkyo Gorge today

Today is also beautiful day as same as yesterday.
But this morning was really cold, -15°c.

We had 29cm snow(Japan meteorological agency said) a few days ago.
Weather is very busy.

Mt.Kurodake ski area reopened on 22nd.
They have 320cm snow deep at 7th station of Mt.Kurodake.
That is little bit much than last year’s.
Weather forecast says that it will be sunny for a while and the temperature will be around -20°c.
It will be warm in the afternoon.
The temperature difference is extreme, please take good care of yourself.