Sounkyo Gorge today

From early morning it is sunny in Sounkyo.
The top of gorge got rime.
It’s so beautiful.
Please look at the picture, horns of deer glow on snow.
There are many animals foot print around those horns. (maybe fox or ezo sable)
We guess that this deer fell down from the cliff and died.
After that Raptor came to eat it.
We took this photo in central of Kamikawa town.
This year we have less snow than last year.
So it is hard to walk on the snow with snowshoes.
Because Bamboo grass is not covered with snow.
Once wolf was an enemy for deer.
But now humanand snow are enemies.
Deep snow is very hard for deer’s thin legs.
Less snow is also hard.
Amount of snow fall is as same as last year.
But the snow accumulation is less than last year.
We guess high temperature and raining are reasons.

It calms down.

Contrary to expectation, it is very calm today in Sounkyo.

In a few days minimum temperature stays high, yesterday was -1°c, today is -3°c.
The other day maximum temperature was plus degrees.
That is very rare.
Weather forecast says that temperature will stay very low until middle of February.
Sounkyo will be a frozen village.

When it is sunny and warm, wild birds become active!
Watch the picture, “Bombycilla garrulus” visit our visitor center.

The picture is “Pyrrhula pyrrhula Linnaeus”, wild bird.
They eat berries of “Sorbus commixta” that is very hard.

Sciurus vulgaris orientis

It has snowed since yesterday.
We got much snow today.
Japan Meteorological Agency said it snowed more than 25cm.
It has not fallen more than 10cm snow for 20days.
This year we have less snow than last year.
Long-term forecast says that it will be less snow and warm winter.
We hope this winter will be better.
We met “Sciurus vulgaris orientis “
He was crazy to find his food in the snow.

“Sciurus vulgaris orientis “ move in the morning in winter.
After that he stays his nest.
I can’t wait spring!

Publication of a Visitor Center Report

We has published “Center News January vol.95”.
This theme is “Looking back 2019 “.
Please check top page of our home page.

Pteromys volans orii

It has still stayed low temperature in the morning and at night in Sounkyo.
Weather forecast says that it will stay low temperature for a few days.
So be careful!
Low temperature cause less snow.
It is very difficult to walk in woods with snowshoes.
We went to take pictures “Pteromys volans orii”.
Fortunately we met him!
Because it is very difficult to find him.
He is so cute.
It is too cold to go out.
When it is sunny, how about walking for your health?