
Due to the COVID-19, Sounkyo Visitor Center is closed from April 18, 2020 to May 6,2020.
We update the blog constantly, so please check our web site.

Bird watching

The weather is very easy to change in Sounkyo.
Sometimes very clear sky, sometimes snowing since early morning.

Recently temperature is more than 10°c.
It will be snowing from this weekend.
We are looking forward to spring.

Now it is very difficult to go out because of covid-19.
How about going to find birds in the woods.
To feel nature is good for your mind and health.
You will find food marks like a picture.
This food marks is Black woodpecker’s.
And more you will spend a precious time with your family.

Sounkyo Gorge today

This picture is taken yesterday.
From April 5th to 6th we had a lot of snow.
The top of gorge was covered with snow.
Now it is sunny, snow on the traffic road is melting.
If you cross the mountain pass, drive safety.

Around this season, it is getting warm and cold , snowing.
The spring weather is very changeable.
Weather forecast says it will be sunny .
Take care of yourself.

Sounkyo Gorge today

It has been snowing since early morning in Sounkyo.
The top of gorge is covered with snow.
Temperature is -2°c now.
From now it is getting warm and snow is melting.
But for a few days it might be snowing, the weather forecast says.

A lot of swans visit Kamikawa town.
They come down to rice field and eat rice.
Wild birds and flowers are ready for spring.
We don’t need snow anymore.

Sciurus vulgaris orientis

Temperature of morning and night is still minus in Sounkyo.
But it is getting warm in daytime.
Please watch a picture of Hokkaido Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris orientis).
They get out of the nest, and find food.

Summer birds visit, “Adonis ramosa”, “Petasites japonicus (Siebold et Zucc.) Maxim.”, “Caltha palustris L. var. nipponica H.Hara”,” Lysichiton camtschatcensis” start blooming.
It might snow, but soon spring is coming.