Near the Mt. Hakuun hut

Mt.Hakuundake hut and Mt.Hakuunndake report
Mt.Hakuunndake hut that was rebuilt last year started to operate June 26th.
Cooperation money to stay is 2000yen.
Cooperation money to stay your tent is 500yen per a person.
Cooperation money to preserve trails is 1000 yen.
This cooperation money is arbitrary.
Thank you for your cooperation to preserve trails.
They will give a towel to everyone that cooperate.
You can use camping space and water.
There is snow on the edge of camping space.
Half part of camping site is muddy and not good condition.
When many people stay at camping space, please set up a tent on the snow.

About Hut
There is a limit on the number of people due to the coronavirus.
As shown as a picture, hut was partitioned by walls.

And also you cannot make a reservation because of emergency hut.
You can check “Mt.Hakuun hut congestion forecast calender “ on the internet.
Please check and avoid congestion.
Please cooperate in infection prevention.

Mt. Midori snow report

Mt.Midoridake trail report

Trail head~Daiichi hanabatake
There is no snow on the trail.
Daiichi hanabatake ~Eiko stream cliff
All trails are under the snow.
A big snow field spreads.
There are marking poles.
In case visibility is poor, you bring GPS and a smart phone to know where you are.
The traik around Eiko stream cliff it is very dangerous snow road.
When going down, be careful.
Around the summit “Diapensia lapponica L. var. obovata F.Schmidt” is best time to see.
As walking to the north from the peak, you will find “Lagotis glauca Gaertn

Mt. Kurodake’s northeastern face

Mt.Kurodake snow report
Snow is melting quickly.
But most trail is still under the snow, we have to walk on snow.
Some part of trail has no snow, some part of trail is very slippery.
There is big holes under snow.
Around 7th ~8th station and around the top there is much snow as usual.
We call to attention again and again.
When you go down, be careful!
If you are not used to walk on snow, you need crampons and climbing poles.
You can buy crampons at the ropeway station.
Every year many slip accidents cause this season.

Snowy gorge below the Mt. Hokuchindake junction

Snow report at the junction of Mt.Hokuchin
This trail has a very rough snow as usual.
It depends on temperature, trail condition changes.
In early morning snow is frozen and very hard.
When you go down, please be careful.

Snowy gorges on the Mt. Aka course

Mt.Akadake snow report
Prefectural road Ginsendai line opened June 17th.
We can use Mt.Akadake trail head.
We feel there are more snow on the trail than in2020 and 2019.
But checking snow report in 2018 and in 2017, this snow is almost same as usual.
Walking on old drive way to trail head, there is snow on the trail.
From Daiichi kaen to Miharashi dai (1700m ) almost trail is under the snow.
(Picture 1)

You have to cross the very steep trail, watch your step.
About Daiichi kaen , Daini kaen, Okunodaira, Daisan sekkei
We put marking poles to understand where is route.
So you won’t miss the route.
At Daiyon sekkei there is no marking pole now.
So Please walk on snow slope along pine trees on the right.
Many wild plants start to bloom where snow melts.