Vulpes vulpes schrencki

We met a red fox“Vulpes vulpes schrencki”after a long time.
Recently we meet foxes that have disease.

Fox’s far change to winter fur.
And more their tails are really nice and fluffy.

From this night to next week it will snow.
“Sciurus vulgaris orientis” is gathering something good for a nest, “Cervus nippon yesoensis” finished breeding season, chipmunks hibernate, wild animals are busy to prepare for winter.

*Last night it snowed in Sounkyo onsen mall.

As you get closer to Sounkyo, road is frozen.
Drive safety, please.

Daisetsuzan mountain range

This photo is taken at the 5th station observation deck.

All mountains are covered with snow.
This is the winter view.
Next week it will snow at lower place.

Winter season comes!
We tell you again and again, please do not go mountains without winter gear.

Mountains is now mid-winter.
It is very dangerous to go mountains with summer style.

Tamias sibiricus lineatus

“Sciurus vulgaris orientis”
Now is November.
In the afternoon it is warmer than usual year, and no snow.
“Sciurus vulgaris orientis” is still active to find the food.

“Sciurus vulgaris orientis” hibernate originally in this time.
Recently they collect food for winter in this time because of climate.

We are afraid that it is heavy snow and snow remains for long time.

Aegithalos caudatus japonicus

“Aegithalos caudatus”
“Aegithalos caudatus”is as same as sparrow.

At last they came to lower place.
They make a group and sing “Jyuri Jyuri” finding their food.
Year by year they become more popular.
Autumn leaves end, most of tree fall down their leaves.
It is easy to find them.
In the morning and at night it is very cold.
But we can see many wild birds.
Shall we go out and go birdwatching?

“Aegithalos caudatus”is so cute!

Cervus nippon yesoensis

We have met male deer that has a strong body.
He took a high handed attitude.
When deer was born, he doesn’t have antlers.
When he is 1 years old, he grows antlers.
But antlers comes out every spring.
And he grows new antlers again.

First year antlers look like one blanch.
Second year antlers branch out two ways .
Third year antlers branch out three ways.
Finally Forth year antlers branch out four ways to be an adult deer.

This deer in this photo has three branch antlers.
We are hardly seeing an adult deer with four branch antlers.
Shall we go out to the field to find a good looking male deer when it’s warm day.