Vulpes vulpes schrencki

Today the temperature is rising.
Just now It is 6°.

I saw + temperature after a long time.
The snow that had been falling until yesterday started melting.
We are worry about the snow on the roof.
On the other hand at the 7th station of Mt.Kurodake the snow is 230cm deep!
Snow fell 40cm.
This year’s amount of snow overtakes last year.
How much snow will it fall?
This photo shows “Ezo fox”
This year we see them very often.
He drifted to find a mouse for food.

Publication of a Visitor Center Report

We published “Center News vol.82 November”.
This cover is Megaceryle lugubris that we rarely find around here.
Another topic is “Autumn Leaves Street in Daisetu” that is from Kamikawa town to Mikuni pass and trace of brown bear and notice.
You can watch the news from Top page on our HP.
Please visit and see our HP.


Everyday wind is very strong and snow falls hard.
On the 7th station of Mt.Kurodake snow is 170cm deep.
Last year it had 200 cm deep.
This year’s snow is less than last year.
The photo shows “Nyctereutes procyonides albus”(we call “Ezo raccon”.)
First time I saw him, I thought he was a dog.
But definitely he was a raccon!
He drifted to find his food.
His face was covered with snow.
  • Nyctereutes procyonides albus : I encountered a


Early this morning
The temperature was -12℃.
It is the lowest temperature in this season.
Snow has fallen since yesterday.
Japan Meteorological agency said the snow in Sounkyou become 100cm deep.
At the 7th station of Mt. Kurodake snow became 100cm deep.
Today ski area opened.
Last year the ski area open at 11th.
This year’s open delayed more than a week.
What will become of this year’s snow?
I hope snow will not have a bad influence to the alpine flowers.

  • It is quite cold.

Sounkyo Gorge today

In Sounkyo
Early this morning it was sunny, but now snow is falling again.
Snow is about 10cm deep, and snow covered the gorge.
Seeing weather forecast, it says everyday will snow expect for rainy days.
It looks as if this snow is going to stay throughout the season.
Just now at 7th station of Mt.Kurodake snow is 50cm deep.
Soon Ski area will open.
  • It has started snowing again.