
Numanohara trail report
Heavy rain in 2016 broke forest road that goes to Kuthanbetu trail head.
But June 27th this road open again.
This gate has no key, hikers remove a chain to enter.
Heavy rain in 2016 was so terrible.
Large-scale restoration work was carried out. (Picture 1)
And hikers can write a hiking resistration.
As soon as you start walking, you find a junction. (Picture 2)
You go to the left. This is the trail now.
Before there was another route, that hikers walk along the stream, that is on Geografical Survey Institute map.
But this route was broken by heavy rain again and again.
In 2016 they made new route that hiker walk right side of Nishiki stream.
Now Original route is under the construction.
After construction hikers can use 2 route.
① One is walking right side of Nishiki stream and walking along mountain surface.
② The other is walking along Nishiki stream, and crossing Nishiki stream.
(Now hikers use only ①route)
The trail to Numanohara is well maintained.
Bamboo is cut down.
It seem unchanged from 2016.
Onuma camp site have enough space to build a tent.
Because the amount of water is low.
After heavy rain, this camp site will be under the water.
Be careful!

Near Kurodake Ishimuro

After snow is gone, “Rhododendron aureum” ,” Geum pentapetalum”
and “Phyllodoce caerulea” start to bloom and make big communities.
As same as last report, near Akaishi river same kinds of flowers start to bloom.
*Today’s Akaishi river is calm, and the amount of water is low.
It is easy to cross the river.
*Around Kumonodaira ” Geum pentapetalum” has fluffy. If you see from a distance, it is ok.
*About the junction of Mt.Hokuchindake, there is no snow on the trail.
But it is muddy. Watch your step, please.

Just below the peak of Mt. Kurodake

“Therorhodion camtschaticum” is very beautiful, really nice to see.
“Therorhodion camtschaticum” is more beautiful than last report.
Because they expanded their reach.
“Pennellianthus frutescens” , “Patrinia sibirica” and “Dicentra peregrina” is beautiful, too.
In the last few years it snowed in June, for wild flowers it is not good condition.
This year’s hot temperature in June made wild flower bloom beautifully.
“Rhododendron aureum” and “Therorhodion camtschaticum”are better condition than last few years.

Mt. Kurodake’s northeastern face

Snow on the trail is gone.
From 8th station of Mt,Kurodake, many flowers start blooming.
From 9th station to the summit a lot of numbers and kinds of flower are blooming.
Now is flower garden.
Especially near 9th station “Weigela middendorffiana” is full bloom.
And also you will see “Trollius riederianus” ,” Ranunculus acris var. nipponicus”, “”Aconitum yamazakii and “Geranium erianthum f. pallescens”


Syousenen hiking course
On July 14th Syousenen course open. (until September 30th)
We went there, let you know about it.
Just after starting, there is a junction to Sanjyusanmagari and to Syousenen.
To go to Sousenen we went straight to forest road.
Walking 30minutes, and crossing the second bridge, on the left we found trail head.
Both side of this trail is covered with bamboo. Bamboo was cut down.
But the trail condition was not so good, muddy and bumpy.(Photo 1)

After walking for an hour in the bamboo woods, we found wooden trail.
That is the best place, “Ninonuma wetland”
The view was so beautiful, you will see Daisetuzan mountain range including Mt.Asahidake and Mt.Aibetudake, Tokachi mountain range.

After wooden trail, we walked trail traversing the mountains.
Walking up near the Yonnonuma, we got to the observation deck.
We could see wetland from a disitance.
From here you will see String-Flark (Kerumi-Schlenke)Complecx Pattern.
This is only place to see in Daisetuzan.

After Yonnonuma observasion deck, walking 40 minutes, we got to Yashima junction.
This is the end of Sousenen course.
Turning left, you go to Sanjyusanmagari ~Aizankei onsen.
Turning right, you do to Rokunonuma. (It takes 30~40minutes for one way.)