Bird watching

All autumn leaves season have already finished.
Here in Sounkyo snow is falling, and melting.
We are busy to shovel snow and prepare an umbrella.

But now is the best time to go birdwatching.
Because trees have no leaves.
We can find and see birds on the branches easily.

Day by day it is getting cold.
How about going outside and going birdwatching for your health?

Sounkyo Gorge today

It rained in the early morning.
Gradually it snowed.
For a time, it was snowstorm in Sounkyo.
Now it is still snow a little.
The weather is settled just now.
And also the road condition was kike sherbet.
Now is ok. You can drive safety.
At the top of gorge everything was covered with snow, it’s like early winter.
For a few days the weather will be good.
After that it will snow again.

Soon winter will come to Sounkyo.

Fallen leaves

We really love fallen leaves art in late autumn.
Now most of leaves fell down.
But Fallen leaves on the ground is still beautiful.
It’s so beautiful, just the way it is.

When we see this fallen art, we think autumn is end.
When we watch weather forecast, we often see snow mark.
There are still a lot of yellow and red leaves.
A very short summer and autumn is end, long winter is coming soon in Sounkyo gorge.


Notice of change in business hours
November 1st ~May 31st in2021

Opening time 9:00
Closing time 17:00

Thank you for your cooperation.

Sounkyo Gorge today

Sounkyo Gorge
It snowed last evening.
The upper side of Sounkyo gorge was covered with snow.
This morning it was a beautiful sunny day!
So all snow melted.
Snow made leaves at the top of gorge fallen and turned to brown.
Some leaves at middle and bottom of gorge are becoming brown color.
Depends on places “Acer japonicum” is still beautiful.
Autumn leaves are towards the end.