Haliaeetus pelagicus

We can see blue sky between clouds.
Strong wind has been blowing since early morning.
And more it is snowing, too.
It is snow storm today.

We don’t have much snow.
But there was a snowdrift piled high against the wall of Visiter center..
The amount of snow is over 50cm high.

In these days we don’t have snow.
Temperature is almost -20°c.
But yesterday’s lowest temperature was 0°c, the highest temperature was 3°c.
That is an extreme weather!

February is the just beginning of winter for Sounkyo.
I wonder what this winter is going to be like?

Publication of a Visitor Center Report

Ceter News vol.101 Jan has been published.

This theme is “Looking back 2020~occurrences at mountains and at foot of mountains~”

Please check our website, you can watch on “Visiter Center News”.

On website there are selected photos.
Please watch them!

frost flower

Today’s lowest temperature was -16°c at Visiter center.
It is freezing.
It is perfect day to see “Frost flower” as shown in the picture.

We sometimes call “Snow flower”, “Ice flower”.
It is so amazing.
Look at the second picture, please.
This is “Yuki makuri” .
Wind makes snowball.

We will tell about these natural phenomena in Center new Mar.25.
In Center news Jan.25 we will tell about looking back 2020.


Center lecture will start tomorrow.
We have winter nature lecture on Saturdays and on Sundays until Feb 28th.
More information, please check on our website.
We are waiting for your visiting.

Bad weather

There is a snow storm in Sounkyo.
Sometimes strong wind blows, it is bad weather.
Yesterday we got 26cm snow (Meteorological Agency said)
Today we have already got more than 10cm snow.
This year’s amount of snowfall is 85cm.That is 110% comparing with last year.
Big snow is expected to remain unchanged.
In this weekend the temperature will rize.
It is very hard to forecast.