Sounkyo Gorge today

The photo shows Sounkyo Gorge as it looks today.
The wind blew hard for several days, but it looks as if its effects were minimal. But… Tomorrow’s forecast predicts strong wind again.
The fall foliage is still gorgeous (although there is some withering in the upper areas of the gorge), and in some places exceptionally beautiful colors can be enjoyed.
As a reader of this blog undoubtedly knows, the fall coloring has come down to the base of the Daisetsuzan mountains. Right now, the leaves are beautiful in an area that starts at the hot spring village and extends in the direction of Asahikawa for about 10 km and in the direction of Obihiro for about 5 km.
However, about two weeks have passed since the fall foliage season began here, and browning leaves are starting to appear.
The low temperature early this morning was below zero again. Please dress warmly if you’re planning to come out to see the leaves.
I should mention that the leaves’ appearance is changing day by day. This change will become particularly evident at the end of the season. foliage, I suggest you do so soon.
If you intend to see the fall
Acer japonicum leaves are still beautiful. However, it’s obvious that many of the leaves are falling.
In Momijidani Valley, Sounkyo’s popular walking course, some of the
*For mountain information, see:
Photo: Sounkyo Gorge Oct. 9

Sounkyo Gorge today

It was very cold this morning.
The temperature outside the center was -2°C, which was the coldest recorded so far this fall.
I would like to report that the fall foliage in the gorge is still beautiful.
However, as I have mentioned in several previous posts, more and more leaves in upper areas are withering noticeably.
Nonetheless, the yellow leaves have taken on much fuller coloring in the past few days. The red leaves of the Acer japonicum; the yellow leaves of the Acer tschonoskii, birch, Tilia japonica, and Populus suaveolens; and the green leaves of the pines… They all come together to create a wonderful contrast in colors.
But tomorrow’s forecast predicts strong winds. I just hope the leaves can hang on.
For mountain information, see:
Photos: Sounkyo Gorge (left and center) and Momijidani (right) Oct. 7

Sounkyo Gorge today

The photos show Sounkyo Gorge as it looks today.
Although some withering is becoming noticeable in the upper areas, the fall foliage continues to be beautiful. However, the season appears to be passing its peak.
It’s hard to predict how the typhoon will affect the leaves in the days ahead; however, so far the coloring this year is just as lovely in the gorge as it was in the mountains.
For mountain information, see:
Photos: Sounkyo Gorge Oct. 5

Sounkyo’s Momijidani today

The photos show Momijidani Valley, Sounkyo’s popular walking course, as it appears today.
The colors are still beautiful, although the season seems to be passing its peak. If you’re planning to visit Momijidani to see the fall foliage, it may be best to do so soon.
With today being Sunday, the roads are jammed with cars. The fall leaves are also beautiful at the hot spring village, so I would recommend enjoying them there as a part of a walk.
Photos: Momijidani Oct. 5

Sounkyo Gorge today

The photo on the left shows Sounkyo Gorge and that on the right shows Momijidani Valley, Sounkyo’s popular walking course.
The fall foliage is still beautiful in both areas, although some withering can be seen in the upper areas of the gorge.
Today the weather has alternated between sunshine and clouds.
As would be expected, the leaves look much more attractive when there is at least some blue sky above.
Sometimes due to strong winds, there are times of the day when the leaves are not so beautiful, so it’s best to time your visit by watching the conditions.
Even though today is just a regular weekday, there are many cars parked along the national route, their occupants out taking photographs. I hope that everyone will take care to avoid accidents.
There are still rich fall colors to enjoy, but unfortunately the weather forecast is not very good. If you’re planning to visit to see the fall foliage, it may be best to do so soon.
It should be remembered that the scenery changes day by day. The colors could become even richer the following day, or they could dim. Predictions are impossible, as everything depends on the weather. However, as of today, the fall foliage is still beautiful.
For mountain information, see:
Photos: Sounkyo Gorge (left) and Momijidani (right) Oct. 1