
*About Kougen onsen road
All construction has finished.
August 24th Kougen onsen road open.

Near Pon Kurodake 

From the top of Mt. Kurodake to Mt.Ponkurodake Arctous alpina var. japonica turns to red partially.
In a few days the temperature at Kurodake ishimuro is 6℃~9℃.
In the afternoon it was warmer than average ( today was so hot!)
It made the leaves turn to red.
Thinking about only this area, tuning to red is half month faster than last year.
The weather forecast said that warm days were going on.
Autumn leaves will be delayed.
Today we cannot say “Autumn leaves starts!”
We observe the weather forecast closely.
*Mt,kurodake northewest face
The number of flowers and types are decreasing , we also found many flowers withered.
We can see “Aconitum yamazakii, Solidago virgaurea var. leiocarpa, Anaphalis margaritacea and Cirsium)
*around Numanotaira
Totally froff of Sieversia pentapetala

*Under the Mt.Hokuchin junction
Snow gorge is gone!
But the trail is little bit wet and easy to slip.
Please be careful to walk.
*Akaishi river
Yesterday’s rain made flow much.
But hikers can walk over the river.

*we found often bears and their traces.
We have never seen them in such place.
We found big bears, some bears that are just leaving from his parents, and mother bear and kid bear.
They walk around the trails, be careful to walk and bring your bell and whistle.
  • Arctous alpinus var. japonica : They are spreading out over a larger area.

Mt. Midori course flowering report

Trekking information
These days we often found bears and their trace.
At the entrance of Mt. Akadake some people were roared by bear.
When hikers walk in the place where is low visibility, please ring your bell and whistle, let bears know that you are here.
These pictures show the sign of Itagakisindo scratched by bear, and his hair when he scratched.

Mt. Midoridake trail has no snow.
About alpine flowers
From Daiichi-kaen to Eikonosawa Primula cuneifolia , Peucedanum multivittatum Maxim
From Mt.Midoridake to Itagaki junction and Mt.Hakuun hut Gentiana algida f. igarashii
If you want to see flowers, we recommend you to walk to the Mt. Hakuun hut.
The sunset time is getting early, please give yourself plenty of time to act.

Water spot at Hakuun hut
The flow seems decreasing.
Hikers can use water for the time being.
The information about water spot Minami Marsh 〇 Bieihuji and Hutagoike ×
  • Gentiana algida f. igarashii : It is peak viewing season.

  • Ursus arctos yesonesis have been sighted. Those planning to enter the mountains should take all necessary precautions.

Near Kurodake Ishimuro

*Mt.Kurodake imformation
The numbers of flower and the species of flowers are decreasing.
Filipendula camtschatica
Cirsium kamtschaticum
Aconitum yamazakii
Solidago virgaurea L. subsp. Leiocarpa

The flowers are ending.
Arctous alpina (L.) Niedenzu var. Japonica is tuning red.
The mountain started to prepare for autumn.
Only some part the leaves are turning red.
Autumn season has not started yet.

*Around Kurodakeishimuro
Sieversia pentapetala and Phyllodoce caerulea are blooming in narrow space.

*around Kumonodaira bloom
Totally fluff of Sieversia pentapetala bloom.

*Akaishi river
The flow is calm and slow.

Hikers can walk over the river.
But hikers need to pay attention when it is rain and after it was rain.

*Around junction of Mt.Hokushindake’s snow gorge
Snow gorge is getting smaller. But when hikers walk in the morning and in the evening,
Be careful to walk.
Because the snow is very hard to walk
Especially when you climb down, be careful not to fall down.

*brown bears and their traces are see some places.
Please bring bells or whistle.
  • Phyllodoce caerulea : Flowers are blooming in localized pockets.

Daisetsu Kogen-numa

Because of being under road construction,

From August 21st to 26th from 8:30 to 16:00
Kougen-onsen road is closed.

You can drive the road in the morning and in the evening.
scheduled completion date for construction work
The schedule completion date for construction will be changed by weather.
So please ask Kamikawa town office ( 01658-2-4060)

The information from Higasi-taisetu Sizenkan
*Mt.Yuni-ishikaridake Hikers can climb by using bypass.
*Mt.Ishikaridake hikers can walking along the ridge of a mountain from Mt.Yuniishikaridake. they recommend that hikers had better to stay at Buyosawa camping site because this trekking is hard.
*Mt.Nipesotuyama now “Horoka curse “that we have never used generally is under the construction .
Hikers will be able to use this course in this season.
But this course is also hard, we recommend that hikers had better to stay one night at camping site.