
Strong wind in Sounkyo
Since early morning the wind has been strong.
We can see snow smoke in Mt.Kurodake.
Now ropeway is operated at 10.
But Mt. Kurodake doesn’t have enough snow for skiing.
Mt.Kurodake ski area is postpone to open.
If the amount of snow is 1m snow, ski area will be able to open.
Now is 30cm snow.
We want 2 or 3 times big snowing.

Sounkyo Gorge today

The snow piled up.
Japan Meteorological agency said that Sounkyo got 9cm of snow.
Everything was covered with snow.
in day time the temperature is rising, snow is melting.
But in the morning and at night the road is frozen.
In the future forecast a few days will be sunny, but most day will be rainy and snowy.
Snow might melt.
When you drive to Sounkyo and drive to mountain path, drive with winter tires.
*Mt.Kurodake ski course will open November 9th. If snow is not enough, they will
put off to open.


Iformation about rebuilding Hakuun hut
Hakuun hut is reconstructed from 2020.
Construction period will be July ~September in 2020.
(In case this rebuilding won’t finish in this period, rebuilding will go on 2021)
*when hikers try to plan for hiking, think about this rebuilding very well.
*during rebuilding period hikers will stay in a part of camping site.
but we have not decided yet where hikers stay.
now is under review.
*for more information, please contact” Disetsuzan National Park Counsil.”

Vulpes vulpes schrencki

“Vulpes vulpes schrencki” (Red fox)

“Vulpes vulpes schrencki” is now in molting season.
He has summer far around face and body. but the tail is tufty.
Animals is preparing for winter.
Today it is sunny, but very windy and chilly.
Weather forecast says that it will snow next week.
Sounkyo gorge will be blanketed in snow.

A covering of snow

Today is November 1st.
We have only two months left this year.
In October it has been sunny.
So sunshine hour in October was 153.6 hours and became the first in history.
But the beginning of November we had snow.
The first snow in Sounkyou in this year October 15th.
Today it snowed.
Sounkyo gorge was covered with snow.
Last year we found a flock of “ Bombycilla Japonica” in Kamikawa town.
This year they visit Kamikawa town.
And they eat berries of “Sorbus commixta”
“ Bombycilla Japonica”has a red tail, “Bombycilla garrulus” has a yellow tail.
It’s hard to find “ Bombycilla Japonica”.
But in a few years a flock of “ Bombycilla Japonica” visit our town.
Both of birds act in a flock.
But the number of them changes each year.
They don’t visit our town.
All leaves has gone, it is good time to watching birds.
It has been chilly days, would you like to go out with warm clothes.