Sounkyo Gorge today

Since early morning snow has been falling.
Today is no wind.
We will have much snow today.
Today is no wind.
Visibility is very poor because of heavy snow.
December is tough month for deer.
For deer it is very difficult to walk in the deep snow with thin legs.
After wolves exterminated, natural enemy is snow and human for deer.
We often find deer’s fall accidents in this year.

Sounkyo Gorge today

After raining it began to snow.
That’s usual.
Since yesterday we have had 25cm snow (Japan Meteorological Agency announcement)
But the wind was so strong yesterday, we had about 70cm snow at different locations in this early morning.
Today’s Sounkyo is everything white.
Despite of raining, we have 52cm snow.
Berries of “Sorbus commixta ” is covered with snow.
For wild birds it’s hard to get their food.

Sounkyo Gorge today

In a few days in daytime the temperature is over 0°.
But it was rainy in the early morning and now is snowy.
Weather forecast says that cold weather will last until end of December.
This cold weather makes the road skating rink.
Some cars slip and stray from the road.
When driving, be careful.
The photo is “Aegithalos caudatus” that is becoming famous on SNS.
They are so cute.
We can see them all the year.
How about going out and finding “Aegithalos caudatus” on good weather?

Sounkyo Gorge today

Since early morning snow has fallen and wind has been strong.
Visibility is poor because of the snow storm.
Since yesterday we have about 20cm snow, since several days ago we have 70cm snow.
This weekend the temperature will rising over 0°, and it will rain.
We are worry about falling snow.
The photo is “Haliaeetus albicilla” that was aiming wild birds with low position
And we also found “Haliaeetus pelagicus”
Both birds found us and quickly flew to the sky.
This year we often found deer’s carcass.
Many “Haliaeetus albicilla” and “Haliaeetus pelagicus” are found near deer’s carcass.

Sounkyo Gorge today

Surprisingly today has been clear and sunny day since early morning.
All snow that fell on the gorge yesterday is blown by strong wind, we can see rocks.
Every day temperature is below – 10°.
On these temperature we can see “Frost” on windows like a photo.

This frost make you feel cold, but it is so fantastic view.
That is one of ice crystal, water vapor in the air freeze to make crystals.
Each ice crystal has different patterns.
How beautiful and fantastic geometrical patterns are!
Here in Sounkyo it is very freezing in winter, but nature is very beautiful and wonderful.