The Diapensia lapponica subsp. obovata on the Mt. Midori ridgeline have passed their peak and are beginning to fade. The area will be in a transitional phase until the gorgeous flowers of the Therorhodion camtschaticum and other plants begin to bloom. Those who wish to enjoy the flowers should probably head to Koizumidaira instead. However, trips should be planned to allow plenty of time. Also, protection against the cold is a must, as it can get very chilly on the ridge
when the wind is blowing!
Flower blooming
Mt. Midori rocky slope to peak: Pinus pumila, Vaccinium vitis-idaea ◯; Aconogonon ajanense, Stellaria pterosperma, Spiraea betulifolia var. aemiliana , Pennellianthus frutescens, Patrinia sibirica ; Potentilla miyabei, Potentilla matsumurae, Diapensia lapponica subsp. obovata
Peak to Itagaki junction: Cassiope lycopodioides, Diapensia lapponica subsp. obovata, Potentilla matsumurae, Oxytropis japonica var. sericea, Viola crassa subsp. crassa, Lagotis yesoensis ; Arenaria arctica var. arctica ; Therorhodion camtschaticum (budding)
Photo: Near the Mt. Midori peak Jul. 5
when the wind is blowing!
Flower blooming
Mt. Midori rocky slope to peak: Pinus pumila, Vaccinium vitis-idaea ◯; Aconogonon ajanense, Stellaria pterosperma, Spiraea betulifolia var. aemiliana , Pennellianthus frutescens, Patrinia sibirica ; Potentilla miyabei, Potentilla matsumurae, Diapensia lapponica subsp. obovata
Peak to Itagaki junction: Cassiope lycopodioides, Diapensia lapponica subsp. obovata, Potentilla matsumurae, Oxytropis japonica var. sericea, Viola crassa subsp. crassa, Lagotis yesoensis ; Arenaria arctica var. arctica ; Therorhodion camtschaticum (budding)
Photo: Near the Mt. Midori peak Jul. 5