Mt. Aka course flowering report

Flower report about
Mt.Akadake , Koizumi taira , Hakuun hut , Mt.Hokkaidake , Hokkaisawa
Blooming is late overall.
“Lagotis glauca Gaertn” and ” Dryas octopetala” almost finish to bloom.
We missed full bloom this year.
If you go to see flowers now, we recommend around Mt.hakuun hut. (it is not beginner)
You can see “Dicentra peregrina” in Komakusadaira,” Cassiope lycopodioides” in Hokkaitaira , “Primula cuneifolia var. cuneifolia  ” inHokkaizawa.
  • Dicentra peregrina : It is peak viewing season.

  • Mt. Hakuun : Caltha fistulosa : It is peak viewing season.