Start of the fall foliage season

Mt.Kurodake Autumn leaves report

The first photo is Maneki iwa at 9th station and “Sorbus matsumurana”
Comparing with last post (8/20), it’s clear that leaves are turning red.

The second photo is “Arctous alpina var. japonica” at Mt.Ponkurodake.
Comparing with last post (8/20), leaves get more colors and expand red color part.

We declare, “Autumn leaves season starts!”

Mt.Kurodake 7th station ~Kumonodaira
“Sorbus matsumurana” is getting more colors than last post (8/20).
Most of leaves are green.

About the slope of Mt.Kurodake
Summer flowers are still blooming.
Leaves of “Hypericum kamtschaticum Ledeb”, “Thalictrum aquilegiifolium var. intermedium Nakai” and “Spiraea betulifolia” start to turning red.

About the summit of Mt,Kurodake~Mt.Ponkurodake
Some Geum pentapetalum are so beautiful red to see.

About Kumonodaira
Most of “Geum pentapetalum” has fluff.
But some of them have very red leaves.

Comparing last year’s post, about “Geum pentapetalum” coloring is later than last year.

But it might change depends on climate.
Weather forecast says it will be 8~9°c at high mountains on August 29th.
So We guess leaves are turning slowly.