The flowers of Mt. Kurodake

Mt,Kurodake report

Last report there were 7 areas snow left from 7th station to 8th station.
Now there are only 2 areas snow left around 8th sigh pole.
(Trail condition is getting better)

About flowers
You will see “Weigela middendorffiana” at 8th of Mt.Kurodake.
“Weigela middendorffiana” finish blooming.
Next “Trollius riederianus” spreads blooming.
As you walk to Ishimuro , you will see 25 kinds of flowers.

Around the summit “Therorhodion camtschaticum ” starts blooming.
Between the summit and Mt.Pon kurodake you will see “Patrinia sibirica (L.) Juss.”, “Pennellianthus frutescens” and Dicentra peregrina (Rudolph) Makino”
Mt.Kurodake is like a flower garden.

About Kumonodaira
“Rhododendron aureum Georgi” blooms in big communities.
“Geum pentapetalum” and “Phyllodoce caerulea” spread to bloom.
“:Potentilla matsumurae” and “Primula cuneifolia “ bloom, too.

*Akaishi river
The flow is very calm and slow.
You can cross on the rocks.
After crossing the river, there is high snow wall.
But you can go up snow stairs.
The condition changes every day.
Be well prepare to climb.
*Snow under the Mt.hokuchindake Junction
When going down, be careful. There is still a lot of snow and undulation.
*Wether forecast says it will hot day for a while.
Today was really hot.
But in the morning and at night it is very cool.
When you go up, please take extra care about heat stroke.
( This morning it was 15°c at Kurodake isimuro)
*Brown bears hang around Ohachi daira observatory.
Here is brown bear’s habitat.
Bring your bear bell and a whistle.