Mt. Kurodake snow and flower report

The temperatures have been warm lately and the snow is melting day by day.
However, a few patches of snow remain between the 7th Station and 8th Station.
The longest is about 10 meters. The others are short areas of remaining snow that measure between one and three meters.
Although there is little danger of falling, they are very slippery, particularly when descending.
Climbers should descend carefully and not take any chances.
As for the flowers, the Weigela middendorffiana have formed communities from the 8th Station to just below the peak and continue to be beautiful. However, some wilting has become noticeable recently.
The Weigela middendorffiana as well as Trollius riederianus, Dactylorhiza aristata, Geranium erianthum f. pallescens, and Thalictrum aquilegiifolium var. intermedium are also brightening the trails.
Photos: A snowy gorge near the 7th Station (left) and flowers near the 8th Station (right) Jul. 8