Mt. Kurodake snow report

About a week has passed since my last report (June 28), and the snow has melted considerably since then.
Now more of the trail is exposed than snow-covered.
Snow remains in six locations around the 7th Station (1, 20, 7, 1, 2, and 3 meters around the snow depth pole) and three locations past the 8th Station snow depth pole (3, 5, and 10 meters).
Although there is little danger of slipping and falling, there are more places where climbers could punch through the snow’s surface or encounter mud as the snow melts.
Although care is still required when descending, with the weather we’ve been having, it won’t be long until the snow disappears.
I should mention that, after passing the above-mentioned snowy gorges, the snow is melting all the way up to the peak. (The snow has also disappeared at the upper part of the 9th Station.)
Photos: Near the 7th Station (left) and past the snow depth pole of the 8th Station (right) Jul. 4