“Pteromys volans orii 〈Kuroda, 1921〉”
A bleeding season of “Pteromys volans orii 〈Kuroda, 1921〉” is coming soon.
This bleeding season already has come in the southern Hokkaido.
But here is northern Hokkaido, Kamikawa district, bleeding season will come a little bit later.
It is getting warm and getting cold, and having 10cm snow.
But one thing we can say for sure is that spring comes.
There is 340 cm snow at the 7th station.
There was 320cm snow same time last year.
There was 485cm snow same time in2018.
It keeps less snow for two consecutive years.
A bleeding season of “Pteromys volans orii 〈Kuroda, 1921〉” is coming soon.
This bleeding season already has come in the southern Hokkaido.
But here is northern Hokkaido, Kamikawa district, bleeding season will come a little bit later.
It is getting warm and getting cold, and having 10cm snow.
But one thing we can say for sure is that spring comes.
There is 340 cm snow at the 7th station.
There was 320cm snow same time last year.
There was 485cm snow same time in2018.
It keeps less snow for two consecutive years.