In the early morning temperature is -12°c.
It is -0°c now, getting warm in Sounkyo.
In a few days it will be warm.
So snow is melting little by little.
Look at the photo.
That is “Red fox”(Vulpes vulpes schrencki)
He was coming to us to get food.
We tried to threaten him.
But he never ran away.
Because human feed wild animals.
If wild animals are fed by human, they will not find and catch their food.
And more they will get sick by eating food.
*More information
Check “Center news vol.60”
It is -0°c now, getting warm in Sounkyo.
In a few days it will be warm.
So snow is melting little by little.
Look at the photo.
That is “Red fox”(Vulpes vulpes schrencki)
He was coming to us to get food.
We tried to threaten him.
But he never ran away.
Because human feed wild animals.
If wild animals are fed by human, they will not find and catch their food.
And more they will get sick by eating food.
*More information
Check “Center news vol.60”