Near the Mt. Hakuun hut

Mt.Hakuundake hut and Mt.Hakuunndake report
Mt.Hakuunndake hut that was rebuilt last year started to operate June 26th.
Cooperation money to stay is 2000yen.
Cooperation money to stay your tent is 500yen per a person.
Cooperation money to preserve trails is 1000 yen.
This cooperation money is arbitrary.
Thank you for your cooperation to preserve trails.
They will give a towel to everyone that cooperate.
You can use camping space and water.
There is snow on the edge of camping space.
Half part of camping site is muddy and not good condition.
When many people stay at camping space, please set up a tent on the snow.

About Hut
There is a limit on the number of people due to the coronavirus.
As shown as a picture, hut was partitioned by walls.

And also you cannot make a reservation because of emergency hut.
You can check “Mt.Hakuun hut congestion forecast calender “ on the internet.
Please check and avoid congestion.
Please cooperate in infection prevention.