Mt. Midori snow report

Snow thaw in Mt.Midoridake is faster than usual year.
As shown in the picture blow, every wooden trail is appeared in Daiichi hanabatake.
At edge of trail course “Primula cuneifolia var. cuneifolia ” and “Geum pentapetalum” starts blooming.
But Daini hanabatake is still snow field.
You have to walk along pole marking and marking rope.
Snow will melt soon around the bench.
The trail between Daiichi Hanabatake and Daini haanabartake is already appeared.
As shown as in the picture below, snow thaw makes a stream.
You have to walk in the stream.

Around Eiko cliff there is a clack betwee rocks and snow.
Be careful not to fall over and not to step through under the snow.
At the top “Diapensia lapponica L. var. obovata F.Schmidt ” and Arcterica nana “” start blooming.